Pregnancy Diary: Feeling All The Feels

Pregnancy Diary: Feeling All The Feels

Part 1...

Hey there! Let me tell you a story about my whirlwind adventure. So, I got hitched to my soulmate in March 2020 and we had big dreams of jetting off to London for our higher studies! Naturally, we decided to put the baby-making on hold until we graduated. Thankfully, amidst a pandemic, we made it to London and studied hard. After completing my one-year course and my husband's two-year course, we knew it was time to get a bun in the oven.

We planned a trip to Singapore and Thailand with sis-in-law and her hubby, who tied the knot that September. As I packed my bags, I found a pregnancy tester that I had bought two years back. I took one look at it and thought, "Eh, why not?" Lo and behold, a faint double line appeared ! Oh boy, my heart was racing with excitement! But, as us ladies do, I had to double, no triple check everything! So, I tested it ten times over and over again, just to be sure. Ha ha!

But the double line was very faint in all the tests that I did. Apparently, for the test to be spot on, the urine needs to be extra strong. Thanks to my detective Googling skills, I found out the secret sauce! By that time we were headed to dinner, I was often drinking water and planned not to pee until I get back to my sister in law’s home in Bangalore!

However, Bangalore traffic turned our 15-minute drive into a two-hour ordeal, and my hubby was starting to suspect something was up. But, I soldiered on and finally got a thick double line this time (12th test that I did on the same day!) screaming with joy and telling my husband ! There were some hiccups, though. Firstly, as most of you know, doctors ask you to wait for at least 50 days after your last period to confirm pregnancy. But, I was only on day 22 when I found out! Secondly, we had a flight all set for the very next day to Singapore and Thailand for a ten-day trip !

Am I really pregnant? Do I need to wait 30 long days to find out? And most importantly, how will this impact my travel plans? So many questions, so little time!

Part 2...

My head was spinning with disbelief, torn between what to do about the upcoming trip. The fam - Mum, Dad, Father-in-law, and Mother-in-law - were all thrilled but also worried about the situation. My Father-in-law is a big champion of adventure, always encouraging me to take risks and go for it. We even consulted a doctor in Bangalore before the flight, who did a blood test and confirmed that my hormones were in full-on baby-making mode. But, it was too early to give me the full thumbs-up, so she prescribed complete rest, no meat, no travel, and a whole lot of other restrictions. When we asked her about the trip, she gave us a stern warning: "I don't recommend it, and if you go, it's at your own risk!"

So, the hubby and I were all set to cancel our trip when dear dad-in-law rolls up with another gyno in tow. And guess what? She gave us the green light for travel, saying it wouldn't harm the bun in my oven. But hold up! How can two doctors have such opposite views? My brain is scrambled! 

My husband wants to take me and we decided to travel ! It was literally the first day of confirming our pregnancy !! So it was me, my husband, my sister in law and her husband onboarding the flight. But for me I was still not able to believe that I was pregnant since the doctors have not physically examined and they also said that a pregnancy could be confirmed only after 50 days from the last period ! I was just on day 23 ! I was worried what if this was just some hormonal imbalance and so many other unwanted things came into my mind.  

With excitement and anticipation, we jetted off to Thailand! Our destination: the stunning beaches of Phuket and an incredible resort we had already booked. As the journey unraveled, every bump in the road had me holding my breath, worried about the little one. The uneven terrain made my fears escalate, but we pushed forward, determined to make the most of our adventure.


To be continued....

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